AirLyft provides projects the flexibility to view participant-wise data at any point during a campaign. You can check the number of the quests a particular user has done, their total fuel & XP, and drill down into the quests have they performed as a part of this campaign. Let's take a deep look at where can we view the participant list.
- In the "Action" column select
- Hover on "More"
- And then select "Participants"
- The Participant view provides a overall view of users who have participated from multiple sources such as Email, Metamask, Twitter, Telegram etc. You can also view what are the entries a particular user has been rewarded and how many tasks have they completed.
Alternatively, if you want to check for what all tasks has a particular user completed, you can simply click on the Details option specific to that user and check the drill down of different actions performed by them on this event.
You can also filter submissions based user the quest, participation date or user.
You can also use "Export CSV" to get all the participation data in a CSV for further analysis.
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The AirLyft Team is there to help you. AirLyft is a platform to run marketing events, campaigns, quests and automatically distribute NFTs or Tokens as rewards.