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AirLyft now supports Discord integration to promote your discord server. You can create Discord based tasks to check if participants have joined your discord server or not. Please follow the steps below on how to create a Discord tasks.

  • Click on the basic details option to enter the Title, Description cFuel and XP. It is advisable to elaborate the title and description so that participants have a much greater understanding of task.

  • Then expand 'Task Condition and Recurrence' option to set the task frequency and task conditions.

    • 'Task Frequency' determines how often users can complete a task. There are four options:

      • None: The task can only be completed once.
      • Daily: The task resets daily at midnight.
      • Weekly: The task resets at the start of every week.
      • Monthly: The task resets at the start of every month.
    • 'Task Conditions' determines if a user can perform a task or not. There are four options:

      • Task Completed: It only allows a user to perform a task if he has either completed or not completed another task.
      • Date: It only allows user to perform a task before or after the set date.
      • Max Participants: The task is locked after a certain number of users have completed it.

  • After entering the basic details, enter your project's discord server invite link here. Please note that if your discord invite link is correct, AirLyft will auto populate the server it belongs to. Take a look at the screenshot below.

Make sure your Discord link does not expire before the end of the campaign.

For instant help
  1. Create a support ticket on our Discord:
  2. Join this Telegram group:

The AirLyft Team is there to help you. AirLyft is a platform to run marketing events, campaigns, quests and automatically distribute NFTs or Tokens as rewards.